Business Intelligence Analytics White Papers

Providing white papers is one way that I can bring value to the business intelligence analytics and data community. White papers are research based management briefing documents that enable the reader to:  choose products and services that help them to succeed; be recognized as knowledgeable experts in the field; avoid expensive mistakes; and save time by following effective practices.  White papers are not sales pitches for products.  Instead they are solid information from a proven expert.

These are topics that I am currently researching for white papers:

  • Top Data and Analytics Trends
  • Six Steps to the Business Intelligence Analytics Business Case
  • Creating the BIA Strategy and Roadmap
  • Building the Logical Data Warehouse
  • Data Analytics in the Cloud

Stay tuned as this section of the website will be steadily expanded with white papers and similar resources such as: technical briefs, management briefs, survival guides and case studies.